DIY Balloon Banner | Miles of Memories Photography

Want to add a little something extra to your party? Photo shoot? Balloon banners are what you’re looking for! These little projects are so easy and turn out beautiful! With a few easy steps and a little vision, you can put together the perfect decoration piece for your party.

Things you’ll need:
Balloons! I always go to amazon for them, but any craft store, walmart, target will do:
Balloon Pump, trust me you don’t want to blow them up without it!:
Stretch Cord, you could use any string, but I prefer clear stretch cord. I can usually make 3 banners from it:
Flowers, for this particular banner, I wanted a boho-feel to it and decided to add flowers. You can keep them plain, add flowers, other kind of banners, pictures, really anything you’d like! I purchased these flowers from our local craft store at 40% off! Again, Amazon, Walmart, or any other craft store would work.

I chose different sizes, colors, and types of flowers for the banner.

Because I wanted the flowers to stand out more, I decided to go with shades of white for the ballon. I also thought it gave more of a classy look. I used 12, 10, + 5 inch balloons.
After blowing up all the balloons (around 100) I then tied 2 together. 2 of the same size, but different colors.

Then I knotted on the first set of balloons, making sure I left enough slack at the end to hang the banner. After knotting the first set, you will just wrap the string around each set after that, no need to knot until the every last pair. I  alternated sizes and colors throughout and the direction they were facing.

Last step: Just add flowers! Simple + easy.

This banner was perfect for sweet Tillie’s cake smash photos!
Miles of Memories Photography specializes in newborn, child, and family photography.
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